Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee, Tuesday 2nd July 2019 10.00 am (Item 9.)


Buckinghamshire was part of the first wave of being an integrated care system.  The Committee has received regular updates on the progress and key priorities of the integrated care system.



Ms J Hoare, Managing Director, Integrated Care System



Presentation attached


Intended outcome:

For Members to meet the new Managing Director of the Integrated Care System and to hear more about the key areas of work and the current challenges facing the ICS.



The Chairman welcomed Ms J Hoare, Managing Director for the Buckinghamshire Integrated Care Partnership.


The following main points were made during the presentation and the discussion.


·         The NHS long term plan outlined that Integrated Care Systems would be at Sustainable Transformation Partnership (STP) level.

·         The local Buckinghamshire Integrated Care System would become an Integrated Care Partnership (ICP).

·         A population health based approach had been adopted to target resources to the appropriate need.

·         A number of pilots had taken place to improve integrated working and to keep people at home for longer.  These initiatives would be rolled out further over the coming months.

·         The approach promotes personalised and co-ordinated care, including within the voluntary and community sector.

·         A key priority would be developing the emerging Primary Care Networks.

·         A clear, single point of access and direct booking services were being developed.

·         There was a range of methods available for engagement with the public, staff and stakeholders, including "Getting Bucks Involved".

·         The Plan centres on promoting independence and providing patient choice.

·         The digital strategy set out the direction of travel and deliverables to integrate technology and data to improve services.

·         Development of a skilled workforce was important as well as optimising resources and making Buckinghamshire an attractive place to work.

·         The overall aim was to reduce hospital admissions and to keep people at home for as long as possible.

·         A Member asked for clarification around the governance arrangements for the ICS and the ICP.  Ms Hoare explained that ICS and the ICP were charged to come together to deliver the best outcomes for residents.  Effective links were being developed between the ICS and the ICP but the details around how the delivery plans would be scrutinised was still being discussed.

·         There were three CCGs within the ICS and there were challenges as well as strengths which needed to be optimised at scale.  A Delivery Oversight Group would be ensuring links would be happening.  Ms Hoare was the representative for Buckinghamshire on this Oversight Group.

·         In response to a question about best practice around the integration of care, Ms Hoare explained that there are a number of vanguards and published papers which provide excellent examples and learning.  The Social Care Innovation Centre also provides information which was collated on an ongoing basis.  Ms Hoare attends the Clinical and Care Forum which ensures the practitioner voice was heard and incorporated into future plans.

·         A Member expressed concern in relation to access for disabled people at engagement events.  Ms Hoare confirmed that access for disabled people was a key consideration when putting on engagement events and any issues experienced in the past would be addressed.

·         A Member commented that the paper refers to the development of a resilient Integrated Care Partnership that meets the needs of local people and asked how the ICP would achieve this over the coming year.  Ms Hoare explained that there would be integrated services around the local communities within the Primary Care Networks and care pathways for respiratory and cardiology services would be mobilised.  Developing a resilient ICP would involve continuing to adhere to the values of the ICP should someone move on to another role and sustainability of the system through continuing to deliver the changes within the plan.

·         In response to a question about the Better Care Fund (BCF), the guidance and settlement for 2019/20 were due imminently.  The BCF would help to deliver the plans for integration and would support the shift in providing more services in the community rather than in the acute setting.  Members were recommended to read the King’s Fund report on the vanguards which included the prevention agenda.

·         A Member commented on the below target performance around Delayed Transfers of Care and asked when the team would become an integrated team offering a seamless service.  Ms Hoare explained that there were a number of ways that the team was being developed including a shared vision, where everyone would be aligned to the same values, skilling-up, understanding roles and stream-lining decisions.  The team currently sits together but a working model needed to be developed and a date for finalising this would be October/November time (Q3).  It was acknowledged that BHT needed to work with Frimley Hospital Trust around integrated discharge for patients at Wexham Park.


The Chairman thanked the presenters.

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